Topics for the Exam

Every house today is full of smart appliances, such a washing machine, a dishwasher, a vacuum cleaner, a microwave, a stereo system, etc. These objects have drastically changed people’s lives. They made it easier to cope with household chores. It seems that new technologies govern the lives of all people on the planet. It’s simply impossible to imagine modern life without labor-saving gadgets. A couple of decades ago people had no idea what smartphones or iPhones are, while today nearly everyone has one. It is undoubtedly the best communication and entertainment device. People can get connected with each other everywhere they go through social network, text messaging, low-cost calls, chats rooms, etc. It is hard to stay even a day without such handy gadgets. Although, there are, of course, some disadvantages of rapid technological progress. Firstly, doctors state that all electronic gadgets are dangerous for health. For example, we spend hours in front of computer or laptop monitors, which results into eyesight deterioration, backaches and headaches. Mobile phones are also harmful to health due to their electromagnetic radiation. Secondly, all modern gadgets make us lazy and clumsy. Thus, we easily gain excessive weight. Thirdly, people have become too dependent on these gadgets. They get stressed or unconfident when they leave a mobile phone or a tablet at home. In my opinion, gadgets produce addiction, which is bad for people’s mind. Nevertheless, it is hard to underestimate the role of new technologies in our life.
Technology today has made life easier and quicker. For example, microwave ovens cook food easily without using stoves and making a big mess. And dishwashers put all dirty dishes into the dishwasher and it washes them. Dishwashers are very easy to use and save time comparing it in the old fashion way.
Today modern technology also has created problems because they are dangerous. How is technology dangerous? The answer to this question is very simple. There’s lots of incident where there is malfunction in technology.
Many people dislike the production of technology. Technology also creates financial problems in families because most technologies are very expensive to buy like the computers, televisions, refrigerators, dvd, and home theatre systems. People who cannot afford to buy this kind of technology live a stressful life. They have to do everything the old fashioned way, which is time consuming. They have to wash their dishes by hand. And those who don’t have a computer have either go to a library which is time consuming or have to type a letter or report with a typewriter which is also time consuming since there is no spell check and if there is an error it is going to be difficult to correct.
There are more advantages in technologies than disadvantages.

Mass Media

When we speak about the mass media we usually mean newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet which use different technologies to communicate with large numbers of people.  Every day a huge amount of information is given by newspaper articles, TV news and the radio. It is evident that the mass media has become an essential part of everyone’s life. They inform, educate and entertain people. But we should remember that we are the main target of the mass media. It is a huge industry, which spends millions, even billions of dollars to win our hearts and minds, and to influence our choices towards their products and ideas. So every time we switch on TV, the radio, or open a newspaper we have to remember not to be naive. We should learn how to choose between different sources of information, in other words we should be selective.

The term “global village” describes the world in which people use modern electronic media to stay connected. Thanks to such mass media as the email, the Internet, different messengers and social networks people are able to communicate quickly and easily. They can also get the latest news in no time.

Belarus On The International Arena

As a sovereign country, Belarus enjoys full rights and is active on the foreign arena. From the moment of setting up the United Nations Organization (UNO) Belarus as one of its constituent member states takes an active part in the work of this association, its organs and institutions. Belarus regularly sends its delegations to the sessions of the UNO General Assembly, has its permanent delegation and its own staff in it. Belarus is a member of some international specialized organizations, commissions, bureaus, funds and other organs.
On the initiative of Belarus the international organizations have adopted a number of important decisions, particularly on the punishment of war criminals, on education of youth in the spirit of ideas of peace and friendship among nations. Belarus has signed many treaties, agreements, protocols and conventions on co-operation with other countries in various fields. Together with representatives of other peace-loving countries the envoys of Belarus are struggling for implementing a policy that answers the basic interests of all nations of the world, for their peace and security, co-operation and friendship.
The Belarusian people strengthens and broaden ties with the people of other countries. Its public organizations have established direct contacts and exchange delegations with their trade unions, youth, women's and sports organizations. Fruitful are the activities of the Belarusian Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with foreign countries. It maintains contacts with many organizations of many countries.

International Cooperation

First of all, I'd like to mention, that it is impossible to build strong economic relations without reliable political ties.
After declaration of its independence in 1991 Belarus developed its foreign policy course under difficult conditions. The independent Republic of Belarus managed to develop its international relations without sacrificing [жертовать] its national interests. Today Belarus maintains [
поддерживать] diplomatic relations with 177 countries of the world and is represented by foreign offices in 58 states. 
Belarus has trade relations with more than 200 countries around the world. ​
Firstly, Belarus holds an active position in  the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

​Russia is Belarus’ major partner on financial, energy and security matters. Belarus depends on Russia to meet its energy needs and remains an important part of Russia’s gas corridor to Western Europe. 
Secondly, an important trade partner and a source of investments for Belarus is the European Union.
Thirdly, Belarus cooperates with such countries as Germany, Denmark, France, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, and many others. А
 new level of cooperation has been achieved with  Asia, Africa and Latin America. Belarus also develops economic relations with China.

If we speak about “international cooperation” we mean, first of all, political, economic and cultural relationships with different countries.
I’d like to say a few words about each of them.
We are proud to say that Belarus is among the countries with highly developed industry. We export our heavy trucks, tractors, milk and meat products to Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania etc. Our import includes clothes from China; fruit from Turkey; coffee from Brazil; metal, gas and oil from Russia etc. This is an example of economic cooperation. 
One example of political cooperation is our assistance in the attempts to solve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
The brilliant example of cultural cooperation is “Slaviansky Bazaar” when people forget the conflicts between their countries. They just meet and show their talents, enjoy each other’s company and make friends.
Belarus is a country of developed industry, education and culture. As a sovereign country, Belarus is a member of such international organizations as the European-Asian Economic Union and the United Nations Organization (the UNO).

Belarus takes part in different international business, political and cultural seminars and conferences. ​Such Belarusian festivals as Belarus Fashion Week and the International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar" are well-known all over the world.

Slavyansky Bazaar promotes culture and art. The goal of this festival is to support young talents. During this spectacular cultural event you may visit concerts of foreign music stars, a traditional fair of folk crafts "Town of Masters”, the International Investment Forum and Children's Contest. The motto of this festival is "Through art to peace and understanding".

​As you see, Belarus tries to be active on the international arena. 

One of the areas of foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus is the participation in the work of universal and specialized, global and regional international organisations and integration groups. International strategies helping to respond efficiently and mechanisms to handle pressing economic, social and political issues are needed to face new global challenges and threats arising in today’s age of economic globalization. Belarus is a founder of the United Nations, and the Belarusian delegation alongside other 50 delegations, signed the United Nations Charter in San Francisco in October 1945. Admission of Belarus, which at the time was not even an independent state, into the newly born global Organisation reflected the international community’s recognition of the role played by the people of Belarus in defeating fascism. The Republic of Belarus also a member of such international organisations as the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environmental Programme, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the World Health Organisation, and many others.

Heritage is our gift from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. Places as unique and diverse as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and Stonehenge in the UK make up our world’s heritage. The World Heritage List includes 981 properties which are considered to have outstanding universal value. Many Belarusian architectural monuments and cultural figures are acknowledged global treasures. Sixty years ago, Belarus joined UNESCO and, owing to co-operation with this organisation, people from all over the world are aware of our cultural monuments and outstanding personalities. At the moment, UNESCO’s prestigious World Heritage List includes the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, the Mir Castle Complex, an architectural-cultural complex of the Radziwills’ former residence in Nesvizh, and the Struve Arc, a trans-border object which topographic points located all over Belarus. Staying under UNESCO protection guarantees them safe-keeping and integrity for many years. Moreover, they are likely to attract tourists and scientists from different countries.

Education in Our Life

Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life. During all the periods of human history education ranked high among people. Human progress mostly depended upon well-educated people.

Self-education is very important for the development of human's talents. Only through self-education a person can become a harmonically developed personality. A person becomes a highly qualified specialist after getting some special education. And professionalism can be reached only through it. Even highly qualified specialists from time to time attend refresher courses to refresh their knowledge.

We get our knowledge of this world and life through education. Many famous discoveries would have been impossible if people were not interested in learning something. Education develops different sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. The civilized state differs from others in the fact that it pays much attention to the educational policy.

We know that science and art belong to the whole world. Before them the barriers of nationality disappear. So education brings people closer to each other, helps them to understand each other better.


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